A call for solidarity to the Latino community

By: Daniel V. Schidlow, Nelson A. Diaz, Anthony Rosado


By: Daniel V. Schidlow, Nelson A. Diaz, Anthony Rosado

On October 7, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel and perpetrated a deliberate and horrific massacre and hostage taking of civilians of all ages, including babies, children and women. They perpetrated cold-blooded assassinations, burnings and mutilations with impunity. The scale and sanguinary nature of these deeds violated all canons of civilized behavior and should have elicited universal condemnation from anyone with a conscience and an ounce of humanity. Instead, not only were there celebrations in many quarters, but, in short order and in many sectors, the narrative turned into one of blaming the victims for bringing the atrocities upon themselves.

Across college campuses and on the streets, opposition to Israel policies has again been conflated with rampant, unequivocal antisemitism. Jewish organizations and students in several colleges and universities across the country have been threatened and attacked. Demonstrators, who rail against expressions of solidarity with Israel and criticism of their calls for the genocidal elimination of the inhabitants of Israel and Jews everywhere, claim impingement on their freedom of expression. Espousing the suffering and death of an ethnic group is not freedom of expression, it is open aggression. The added call for boycott of businesses owned by Jews, is eerily reminiscent of its historical precedent in Nazi Germany and indisputably antisemitic.

Latinos know all too well the effect of discrimination and rejection. In Philadelphia and elsewhere, Latinos and Jews have bonded through shared values of love of family, country and democracy, and common historical experiences; these bonds must continue to be nurtured and celebrated.

This is a time when the Latino community must stand with their Jewish partners and affirm of the right of the State of Israel to exist, to reject antisemitism in all its forms, and to stand against hate of all minorities. Hate is insidious and knows no boundaries: today it is me; tomorrow it is you and all of us.

Palestinian and Israeli mothers and fathers love their children deeply. Loss of life is needless and painful for everyone everywhere. The suffering of children is unconscionable. All that most Israelis and most Palestinians yearn for is a future of peace, harmony and prosperity.

With our fellow Latino and Jewish brethren, and with good people everywhere, we pray for reconciliation and peace. We pray for the realization of the prophet Isaiah's words: they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

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