Norma McCorvey with her Attorney Gloria Allred, 18th September 1990.   Bettmann/Getty Images
Norma McCorvey with her Attorney Gloria Allred, 18th September 1990.   Bettmann/Getty Images

Roe vs. Roe | OP-ED

The case of the woman who changed the history of abortion in the US is proof that this is an issue that does not listen to reason but to beliefs. 


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Who defines what is right and wrong? We seem to agree on one thing and another. What favors us as individuals and as a group.

Roe v. Wade was one of those cases. Norma McCorvey, sought an abortion because motherhood was not on the agenda of the life she was stumbling through. It was 1973, and 26-year-old McCorvey was knocking on doors. At one, she found two newly-graduated lawyers who were looking to beat the system and needed a case like hers to take to court.

A young woman abused as a child, pregnant from rape, McCorvey became ‘Jane Roe’ for the trial, the hope for softening laws that would allow women to decide whether or not to terminate their pregnancy.

The trial, which took three years -while she was waiting, Roe gave brith and gave him for adoption- ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and effectively allowed women to have abortions before the 24th week.

The pro-life and pro-choice continued to battle, even to the present day for a legislation that would conform to their beliefs, because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? 

Many years later, Roe -McCorvey- acknowledged that she had lied, that there was no rape, and that the lawyers forced her to continue the pregnancy during the trial.

During those years she went from one side to the other. She became an evangelical and was baptized in a pool, became a lesbian and, above all, regretted having wanted to have an abortion.  

Hugh Hefner, yes, the same of Playboy, also confessed that he had supported “generously” for the case to prosper.

Shortly before her death in 2017, McCorvey said she was paid to support the abortion ban. Would that be true? Some say it was misunderstood. After all that’s been seen, it’s a coin flip.

But, which of the McCorveys - the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s...- sought what was ‘right’? Probably all of them and none of them.

Now, with the Texas abortion ban, which jeopardizes what Roe v. Wade achieved -even if it was based on a lie-, the questions of what is right and what general law should apply to all women are back. Something tells me we will never agree. 


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