Foto: coronavirus covid-2019 Girl in mask fear.
Foto: coronavirus covid-2019 Girl in mask fear.

Wearing a mask

Why and how should you wear a mask?


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COVID-19 is a new virus that causes respiratory illness in people and mainly spreads from person-to-person. It is recommended for everyone, including children, to wear a mask whenever they go out in public to stop the spread of the virus. People who have COVID-19 often do not have symptoms, so wearing a mask can help reduce the chances that someone with no symptoms spreads the disease to others.

There are several different types of masks and each has their own purpose. The general public is encouraged to wear a cloth or homemade mask. Homemade masks are designed to contain coughs and sneezes and prevent the disease from spreading to others. These masks should be washed after each use and should not be worn when they are damp or wet. 

Even though all children are recommended to wear a mask in public, the CDC does not recommend children under age 2 to wear a mask. It is also recommended that children not wear a mask if it can be a choking hazard, or if it makes it hard to breathe. If a child is unconscious or cannot take their mask off without help, they should also not wear a mask. Additionally, if a child is touching his or her face more often while wearing a mask, they should not wear it. This increases their risk of being exposed to the virus. 

Throughout this pandemic, it is important to remember that children can view the world differently than adults. Children may be afraid when seeing others wearing a mask and may even be afraid of wearing one themselves. If you child is afraid of wearing a mask, try wearing one too in order to show them that they are not alone. While wearing masks, look in the mirror and talk about it, or try putting a mask on one of their favorite stuffed animals. You can also try to decorate a mask so it’s more fun and personalized for them. 

When used correctly, masks, along with other preventative measures such as hand washing and social distancing, reduce the spread of COVID-19. Remember, my mask protects you and your mask protects me.


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