El Senador Demócrata de Pensilvania Bob Casey es un ferviente defensor de los derechos de los inmigrantes ilegales. Foto del senador en 2009 proporcionada por Wikimedia.  
Democrat Senator Bob Casey is an opponent of Trump's immigration policies. A photo of Casey in 2009/ Wikimedia.  

Sen. Bob Casey Takes Twitter to Stop Deportation of Honduran mother and child

 U.S. Sen. Bob Ca­sey un­leashed a Twitter campaign on Wed­nes­day af­ter learn­ing the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion was de­port­ing a Hon­du­ran mother and 5 year…


Judging the president

Do we have Dutch disease?

How Marxist is the USAID?

Only Pyrrhic Victories?

Saving is the mantra now

World War 'T', from Tariffs

¿Bye, bye USAID?

From migration to tariffs


That's what it is called being loyal to your ideas. Having principles. 

On Wednesday, Pennsylvania Senate Democrat Bob Casey challenged Donald Trump's anti-immigration policy by publishing a flurry of Tweets exposing the case of a Honduran immigrant and her daughter about to be deported. He also demanded the immediate intervention of the White House.

"It's urgent. I just found out that a young child and her mother who came to U.S. seeking refuge will be sent back to Honduras today," Senator Casey tweeted Wednesday.
After launching the campaign on Twitter, Senator Casey tried to contact the Home Secretary (DHS), John Kelly, who was meeting in the White House. The Democratic senator demanded that he interrupt the meeting because the matter of his call was "urgent," although last night he was still waiting for a response from the DHS.

 "This woman was in Honduras. He witnessed a murder. And for this reason, she was persecuted by bands (criminals). Come to this country. They hold her for a long period of time. He has a 5 year old son. We should protect her and her son, "Casey told MSNBC.

The family was deported anyway.


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