President Trump's racism is nationalist and historically inconsistent
The entire world has reacted to the comments made in private by the president of the United States, in which he described countries like El Salvador and Haiti…
When we seemed used to the president's lack of speech and political correctness, he always manages to surprise us and, if not, scare us to the bone.
During a meeting with Democratic Senator Dick Durbin and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham to discuss a new bipartisan immigration bill, the president asked, "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” (...) We should have more people from Norway," according to several officials who were present at the meeting.
Likewise, and as the Washington Post reported, Trump suggested opening the doors to immigrants from Asian countries, whom he considered "a boost to the US economy."
"Why do we need more Haitians?" The president continued in the Oval Room. "Take them out.”
After the rescission of the Temporary Protection Status to Haitian, Salvadoran and Honduran citizens, the president's comments only affirm what many of us have known from the beginning: his decisions do not revolve around national interests but rather around his endogenous racism.
And the surprise seems unfounded, when his presidential campaign was inaugurated with comments like the "Bad Hombres", the promise of the wall and the constant propaganda to the white, sociocultural disadvantaged American population; that part of the society that continues to believe that the Latino is a criminal who has come to rob him and to take his jobs.
No one should doubt that the president of the United States is a white nationalist - remember the events in Charlottesville -; a racist and that has a significant gap in knowledge of history.
Why do we want immigrants from these “shitholes”? Let me tell you, Mr. President, that this country survives thanks to them.
Remember that this is not the first time that the US government blames immigrants for its failures. The Washington Post remembers that episode between 1929 and 1934, when the frustration of the Great Depression had more than 400,000 citizens of Mexican origin as a scapegoat; people who were "sent home" by state and local forces, under federal orders.
The argument was to solve the economic crisis and decrease the competition for jobs, the exact same arguments that this administration has with its campaign for a wall that they are making virtually real.
At that time, General Immigration Commissioner Harry Hull declared the expulsion of immigrants in his 1931 annual report, promising to "remove the threat of unfair competition" and expelling almost a quarter of the labor force in some towns in Texas, as the Post continues.
According to the reports of specialists and historians, such as Jongkwan Lee, Vasil Yasenov and Giovanni Peri, the result was completely opposite.
"The researchers found that the cities that expelled more Mexicans saw a worsening in their unemployment conditions and a decrease in salaries," the report explains.
Almost a century later, the president repeats the mistakes of previous governments without a hint of historical knowledge. Through the decades, immigrants have not only helped the country grow but have become the professionals that sustain the cultural, industrial and even political development of the United States.
In the face of Trump's comments, a former CIA official, Phil Mudd, said in an interview to CNN: "I am a proud shitholer," referring to his Italian immigrant descent.
“Shitholers built this country 110 years ago. They were called ‘slopers’ and slant-eyes—Chinese people who built this country. Shitholers from Japanese internment camps stayed in those internment camps as American citizens. And that’s a legacy we bare shame for today,” the former official said. “Shitholers who escaped Guatemala and El Salvador—civil wars that we participated in - built this country. I’ve worked for shitholers who’ve protected this country after 9/11. George Tenet is a first-generation Greek; I guess he is a shitholer. Jose Rodriguez was the head of counterterrorism at CIA; he’s a Puerto Rican. I guess he’s not welcome. I’m proud today. I’m proud to be a shitholer... Let’s stand against this and say it’s not about black people, and it’s not about white people from Norway. It’s about the people who built America and who we denigrated until we became ashamed and we realize that's inappropriate. And we’re learning the lesson again today.”
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