Photo: Forbes Mexico
Photo: Forbes Mexico

Latinx Leaders react to AMLO’s controversial visit to the U.S.

What did it prove? Many say nothing. 


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Mexican President Andres Manuel Lobez Obrador’s (AMLO) first visit to the White House revealed a challenging partnership for many to accept. 

Congressional Hispanic Caucus members banded together on July 1, publishing a letter to Trump, criticizing the visit during one of the worst crises in recent memory.

The letter says to hold a meeting now, while Latinos are disproportionately affected by a global pandemic is a “blatant attempt to politicize the important U.S.-Mexico relationship along partisan lines.”

“It is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the coronavirus and your failure to lead an adequate response to the pandemic,” the letter continues.

The letter was proposed by Mexican-American Congressman Chuy Garcia, who has been exceptionally vocal about his disapproval of AMLO’s visit.

“President Trump has insulted and attacked Mexico and Mexican Americans for years now. It’s hard to believe that President Lopez Obrador is falling for it. It seems that both of them had a need for a distraction” Garcia commented on C-SPAN.


“The U.S.-Mexico relationship is bigger than any president,” tweeted Joaquin Castro, Chair of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus..

“Trump’s failed COVID-19 response has decimated Latino communities with disproportionate infections, deaths and unemployment. His anti-immigrant agenda is cruel and inhumane. A photo-op will not rewrite history,” he continued.


Presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden also took the opportunity to further appeal to the Latino vote, reminding the public of Trump’s history of racist statements and policies.

“Trump launched his 2016 campaign by calling Mexicans rapists. He’s spread racism against our Latino community ever since. We need to work in partnership with Mexico. We need to restore dignity and humanity into our immigration system. That’s what I”ll do as president.” Biden wrote.

During the course of AMLO’s two-day visit, he did not meet with any Latino politicians who could actually strengthen his connection to his neighboring country. 

This photo-op visit revealed many things, but more so in terms of AMLO’s priorities. Dignity is out of the question, as long as his ties with his like-minded populist and nationalist neighbor is intact.

But years of insults and humiliations against Latinos will not be erased.


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