A Death Sentence for Thousands of Children
The administration has ordered that medical deferment action be stopped.
If you are one of those incomprehensible cases that still believe Donald Trump deserves an opportunity (??) or that he is being criticizing unfairly just think that recently his administration has ordered the medical deferment action to be stopped.
This amounts to sentencing to death thousands of children suffering from cancer or other grave illnesses to stay in the U.S. to get the medical treatment they could not get in their own countries.
Trump and his minions have sent letters to the parents advising them they must leave the U.S. within 33 days.
“This is death sentence for those children and a sentence of eternal suffering for their parents. It’s impossible to fall any lower, not even in the concentration camps for immigrants or the prisons for babies” posted in Facebook Guennady Rodríguez. Now they have to expel kids with cancer. It’s impossible to conceive such cruelty exists.”
I have nothing to add.
So, as Rodríguez said in his post, feel free to block me or whatever. It would an honor.
You see, everyday it becomes more clear that cruelty of the most despicable kind is what passes for Trump’s immigration policy.
As my father used to say in reference to certain South Florida politicians, “the problem with these people is not political, the problem is that they are bad people.”
It fits Trump and his followers like glove.
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