Temple University Class of 2026 is the most ethnically diverse in the last decades
Latinos represent 11% of the student population.
This fall represented a mark for Temple University. The institution welcomed the most ethnically and geographically diverse class in its recorded history.
With 51% of its students being of color, Class of 2026 represents the largest student of color community in the last 25 years — up 6% from last year and 10% from the year prior. It is also the third consecutive year the institution has seen record numbers in enrollment of students from diverse populations.
Black students represent 19.4% of Temple’s student body; Latinos, 11%, and Asians, 15.6%.
Not only ethnically, but also the most geographically diverse, the Class of 2026 has 128 students coming from 43 different countries. On top of that, out-of-state students make up 35% of the incoming class — the largest-ever percentage of domestic out-of-state students to attend Temple.
A total of 34% of Temple first-year students will be the first generation in their families expected to graduate from college, which is up 4% from last year. Adding to the socioeconomic diversity, 33% of students are receiving a Pell Grant — given to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need. This marks a 5% increase from the Class of 2025.
To read more about Temple’s Class of 2026, read Temple Now.
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