Minister of Culture, Angélica Mayolo. Photo courtesy of Colprensa.
Minister of Culture, Angélica Mayolo. Photo: Colprensa.

Colombia invests $11 million to reactivate its cultural sector

The Colombian Ministry of Culture recently announced investments to reactivate the country's cultural sector and opened a call for the National Incentives…


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After one of the most complicated years for the cultural sector in 2020, on Thursday, July 15, the Colombian government announced an economic initiative of more than $11 million to reactivate the cultural industry in cities and regions of the country.

"Through 'Cultura en Movimiento’ (Culture in Motion) $11.7 million will be allocated. These resources will be focused on various incentives, to boost the reactivation of different sectors," said the Minister of Culture, Angelica Mayolo, in an official statement.

The "Culture on the Move" program is designed for musicians, dancers, actors, oral storytellers, creators, researchers, entrepreneurs and cultural managers throughout Colombia and aims to benefit some 60,000 people. 

With a total of 141 calls, the series of incentives promoted by the Ministry of Culture seek to recognize, support and promote cultural work. There are three different categories for these incentives: six National Awards for creators, researchers and cultural managers who have worked on the country's cultural memory; 172 recognitions for works, projects and processes already carried out; and 838 scholarships that will help Colombians develop or continue with artistic and cultural research and projects.

According to Mayolo, the incentives will be given to the programs 'Comparte lo que Somos,' with $3.6 million; 'Artes en Movimiento', with $2.8 million; 'Música en Movimiento', with $1.6 million to "benefit the Music Schools of 236 municipalities of the country;" 'Jóvenes en Movimiento', with $786,000; and 'Sala de Danza', with $809,000 that will benefit 28 municipalities with costumes, typical costumes and other implementations.

It is known that the initiative contemplates financing mechanisms for artists through Bancoldex, which has a quota of some $1.5 million, and the Film Development Fund (FCF), with some $2 million, among others.


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